What does it say about me that whenever I see the little icon above I think it's a cupcake or an ice cream cone. This is not a joke, I see that icon every time I log in to create a new blog entry - it's a cellular phone, btw, but I'm sure that's evident to everyone but me - and my first instinct is aways, mmmm...cupcake! This is why I'm overweight!
There's a Tim Horton's in my office building that I visit at least once a day for my morning tea. Most days I can hold off on the delicious muffins, donuts, or bagels, but sometimes, when the thought of one more Nutrigrain Bar turns my stomach, I can convince myself that a treat from Timmy's won't be the end of the world.
After my wedding, I may have gone a little overboard on the whole grain raspberry muffins that I had deprived myself of for so many months. Something about the words "whole grain" automatically translates to "OK to eat" in my mind. So today I requested a nutritional guide from Tim Hortons in hopes that if I keep it at my desk, every time I craved an afternoon donut or cookie, I would just look at the guide and remind myself that it's not worth the calories. Well, I discovered that a donut or cookie is the least of my concerns. That "OK to eat" whole grain raspberry muffin that I've allowed myself to eat approximately once a week since September 28th, 2008 is 400 calories and 17 GRAMS OF FAT! Umm, that's a quarter pounder from McDonald's!
Now, let's get something straight, I in no way thought that a muffin was a healthy choice. I've admitted many times that I caved for a muffin and was aware of how bad that was. I've declared that muffins equal muffin tops, but I never realized I was eating a quarter pounder for breakfast. I feel naive and a little humiliated...also, a little sick to my stomach.
On the bright side, I am now spreading the word (to the four people who read this blog) that muffins are very bad, but whole grain raspberry - or blueberry - muffins from Tim Hortons are baked in Satan's oven.
P.S. I won't judge you if you eat them...they're SO GOOD!
17 grams of fat???...someone once told me that muffins are cake that have been shaped to look healthy..i agree....it's better to have a BOSTON CREAM DONUT...SERIOUSLY!!!! craziness! I heart Boston Cream Donuts
ReplyDeleteI could kill for a boston cream donut right now.
ReplyDeleteDuly noted: no more muffins. I'd rather eat a quarter pounder for breakfast.