Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Bump Watch

I have to admit, I am an adorable pregnant woman. Problem is, I'm not pregnant, I just look it.

I stood naked in front of my mirror for twenty minutes yesterday in pure wonderment. I know there's no baby in there, but the rotund sack protruding out of me may cause some to believe otherwise. What scares me is that, if I don't get rid of this appendage soon, what will I look like when I'm actually pregnant?!?!

Needless to say, in the past five months, I have made little to no progress in terms of weight loss. In fact, I've managed to do the exact opposite of what I set out to do. I now work out less and eat more than I ever have.

The first year of marriage has definitely proved to be challenging in the way of finding enough hours in the day. It doesn't help that I live 60 kilometres away from where I work, so I'm more or less losing two and a half hours a day strictly on commuting. By the time I get home, it's almost 7:00 and I'm pooped. If my husband is working a late shift, and I have to prepare dinner, it means I'm cooking something simple, which usually translates to fattening, and I'm not eating until 8:00 (at least). The rest of the night is spent lounging on the couch in front of the TV because, let's face it, at this point the last thing I want to do is haul my ass to the gym.

I know these are all excuses. I know that if I really, really wanted to, I could find the time. I also know that life isn't going to get any easier. Next will be babies, and with that, a million more excuses.

I just had a vision, and in it was a gunt. I need to do something about this fast!


  1. just make sure to never wear your jeans higher than your belly button and you'll be fine. it's better to hang over the waist line, then be "tucked" up under.... sucks to hear about your lost time on the road. think of bringing snacks to eat in traffic and remember, sitting and doing isometric exercises can burn calories and strengthen muscles... basically flex abs and ass while driving.... hehehe try not to fart!!!
