Monday, July 20, 2009

Gluttony. That's All.

My friend Christine and I have a bad habit of msn-ing each other all day long complaining about our bodies. We just finished having a conversation about our least favourite body parts. Mine = Stomach. Hers = Ass. I said my stomach looks like dough, and she says her ass looks like cheese, which made a light bulb go off in my head. Maybe after a while, our body parts start resembling our greatest food weaknesses. I love bread with all my heart. I believe Christine feels the same way about cheese. I'm pretty sure I'm onto something.

Anyway...this past weekend I went on a camping trip with a bunch of friends. I think it just goes without saying that weekends away in the summer are not a good combo for me. It's like my conscience goes on a break as well. Can't believe I'm about to do this, but here goes the list of what I consumed this weekend:

Friday Night:
Asian chicken bites and fries from Wendy's with a diet coke
3 handfuls of chips by the fire
1 hot dog (because who doesn't want a hot dog cooked on the fire?)
2 handfuls of corn nuts
3 Bud Light Limes
*Gulp! Good thing we got rained out by 11:30!

1 tea with 1 1/2 sugar (shoulda brought some splenda with me)
1 whole wheat bagel with cream cheese
2 glasses of "mango madness" (vodka, Seven Up! mango juice)
*And this was all before noon.

Saturday Cont'd:
Half a turkey sand which
1 handful of corn nuts
1 ice cream on a waffle cone (because who doesn't want an ice cream at the beach?)
3 (individual) fries with gravy
2 handfuls of sunflower seeds
3 handfuls of sour cream and onion rings
1 hamburger with cheese
1 1/2 helpings of macaroni salad
3 wine spritzers
more sour cream and onion rings
more corn nuts
2 marshmallows (because who doesn't want marshmallows cooked on the fire?)
Pretty sure there were a few handfuls of cheerio mix somewhere in the night as well
Total of 5 Bud Light Limes

1 tea with 1 1/2 sugar
1 whole wheat bagel with cream cheese (don't even know if it was low fat - does it really matter at this point though?)
1 chicken nugget HappyMeal with diet coke
4 crackers when I got home
1 piece of boneless chicken breast
1 helping of potatoes
Pretty much half a loaf of bread
2 glasses of wine
3 handfuls of popcorn

OH.MY.GOD. I eat like a line backer!

And note to self Taryn: Doesn't look like the bread alone is causing your stomach to resemble dough.



  1. Taryn..this isn't your fault...i keep praying "please god..if you can't make me skinny..plese make my friends fat"...SORRY :(

  2. Just kidding...your beautiful and everyone knows camping calories don't count ;)

  3. makes quite the impression when you write it all down like that.... good luck reversing the damage...and what stomach are you talking about? if yours is dough, than mine is filo pastry....(worse than dough).... hahahah

  4. i also have a craving for sourcream and onion rings and corn nuts now.... thanks a lot!!!

  5. Oh my god..i love sour cream and onion rings and corn nuts...and now i also want a mango madness....maybe we should stop tempting eachother

  6. mago madness is the devil. SO GOOD!

    I'd be frightened to write down everything I consumed last weekend :(
